Post parish news, pastor homilies, or anything new and noteworthy in your Blog.
- ‹ Recurring donations wherein the visitor specifies the amount to give monthly
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- Help and Support Videos
- Getting Started
- Pages
- Create a page
- Place content on a page with "widgets"
- Manage page settings
- Grant "Editor" access to certain sections
- Create mini-layouts within a page
- Password protect a page
- Restrict page access to certain user roles
- Optimize a page for search engines
- Scheduling the publishing and unpublishing of content
- Bulletins
- Widgets
- Rich Text
- Image and Caption
- Image Carousels
- Videos
- Facebook Page
- Documents
- Maps
- Pull Quote
- Reusable Content
- Add full-width background to a region or widget
- Browse and Use Beautiful Royalty-Free Photos from
- Colorbox Effect for Images
- Embed Code
- How to Place Widgets within Carousels, Tabs, and Accordions
- Web Feed Widget
- Forms
- Create an online form
- Clone form fields and show them conditionally
- Accept online payments by credit card
- Grant editors access to edit components and view submissions for particular forms
- How to send submissions to email addresses depending upon options chosen on the form
- Recurring donations wherein the visitor specifies the amount to give monthly
- Blog
- Calendar